Tuesday, December 18, 2018

John Bowman created a 63 tip C1 instruction tape which is available here. The purpose of this blog is to record my thoughts as I work my way through the tips. When possible, I include links to Taminations for the calls I mention. I also include a link to a sequence diagram that shows the context in which referenced calls are executed.

Figure 2 of tip 1 teaches the call Wheel Fan Thru. Bowman's definition is "The right side dancers (belles) quarter right, the others (beaus) extend & cast 3/4, and extend".

The CallerLab definition is "From facing couples: Start a Wheel Thru, but as the beaus meet, they Trade (by the right) and then all complete the Wheel Thru."

Wheel and Spread is also called but this is not Wheel and <Anything>. Instead it appears to be shorthand for Wheel and Deal and Spread. Ackerman's SD program tags this as possibly controversial.

The sequence diagram for this figure is here. Red text identifies the calls discussed above.

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